Thursday, May 10, 2012


Throughout my entire life, you've been an incredible mother. You have a history of doing what's required and beyond when it comes to caring for your children. It's an incredible trait I pray will carry on to my own children when they come to be. One day. Not soon.
You've shown me how to live right by your example. I've been hearing recently about how wonderful of a man I've become. I'm not sure how much I agree with that (although I will accept a compliment however it comes to me). If it were to be true, I would have you to thank.
There's something you said to me recently that legitimately broke my heart to hear.
You said, "I don't need to celebrate Mother's Day. I couldn't even keep my daughter here. What kind of mother am I...?" And I replied, "You can't say that and then claim to trust God." That statement stands, mom. I know how your heart is broken, but I also know that God is in control of this situation. She's with Him now. As much as we miss her - as much as I miss her everyday, there's nothing that we can do to change that. But thank God she's no longer in pain. More than that, I thank God that I still have a beautiful, strong, wonderful, caring, God-fearing mother who constantly sets an example of how a legitimately good Christian should live out their life. Tamar was/is proud and so am I. I love you more than words could ever say.
Your son, J

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